Applications for the Leverett and Caravan Choruses 2025 Spring sessions are open now!
The Spring 2025 season starts March 18.
Our chorus is a non-auditioned ensemble that welcomes all singers, regardless of experience or ability to read music. Recordings of voice parts are provided in addition to sheet music. We sing SATB choral music in the folk, classical, blues and gospel traditions, as well as songs from a variety of world cultures. Our focus is on enjoying singing together in harmony and in community.
Rehearsals take place on the following Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8:30 pm:
March 18 (note: no rehearsal March 25)
April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
May 6, 13, 20, 27
June 3 and 10
We will present a joint concert on Sunday, June 15 at 4pm in the sanctuary of the Jewish Community of Amherst with a 1:45pm dress rehearsal that day.
Please note – there is a LIMIT of 70 PARTICIPANTS for this Leverett Chorus Spring session.
I will need to make sure we have a balance of voice parts in each group. I will fill each voice section on a first-come, first-serve basis, so the sooner you respond, the more likely you will be guaranteed a place.
I will confirm with you that you have a chorus spot by Monday, January 13th.
I will send out the registration form and instructions that week. See below for information about the registration fee for each chorus.
I will notify you that you have a spot, so please wait to hear back from me before mailing your registration and payment.
The fee for the Spring session is $150 per person.
There are several work-exchange options and partial scholarships available. Please contact me if you want to discuss these.
The Spring 2025 season starts March 11.
We will have eight rehearsals at Mt. Toby Meeting House on the following Tuesday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:30 pm
March 11, 18
April 1, 8, 15, 22
June 3 and 10
We will visit elder residential facilities on the following Tuesday afternoons to perform and lead community sings:
April 29
May 6, 13, 20 and 27.
We will learn a repertoire of songs for the chorus to sing at Assisted Living centers and Senior Community Centers.
Each site visit begins with a choral performance of about 5 to 6 songs. During the second half of the performance, chorus members join with the elders for a singalong. This part of the site visit is always the most exciting part for both us and our audience, as we join together in a joyous community sing. Magic happens!
for Leverett and Caravan Choruses
At the end of the season the Caravan Chorus will join with the Leverett Community Chorus to present a Concert on Sunday June 15 at 4pm, dress rehearsal at 1:45pm.
Please note – there is a limit of 45 participants for this Caravan Chorus Spring session.
I will notify you that you have a spot, so please wait to hear back from me before mailing your registration and payment.
The fee for the Spring session is $150 per person. There are several work-exchange options and partial scholarships available. Please use the form above if you want to discuss this with me.
What’s the difference between the Leverett Community Chorus and the Caravan Chorus?
The Caravan Chorus will meet during the day, the Leverett Chorus will continue to meet at night.
Caravan Chorus will have tons of fun music to sing too, but it will involve less memorization of SATB choral music and will also involve learning to harmonize by ear on some songs. The focus of this chorus is community outreach through song.
The Leverett Community Chorus has some more slightly challenging music and will involve learning SATB choral music of different musical genres including songs from a variety of world cultures.
So, if you would like to join either chorus please use the form at the top of this page to let me know.
Health and Safety Protocol:
1. You must be vaccinated for both covid and the flu.
2. These are mask-optional rehearsals.
3. You should not come to rehearsal if you have any flu or cold symptoms. If you get covid or the flu and have recently been at rehearsal, please notify me. I will alert the chorus that there has been possible exposure, but will not give out any names, respecting your privacy.
Please email me at Leverettchorus@gmail.com if you have any questions.
I’m ready to choose –
Application for the Leverett and Caravan Choruses Spring 2025 Session is NOW open!
Application for the Leverett and Caravan Choruses Spring 2025 sessions now open!